Fallout 76 rating teen or mature
Fallout 76 rating teen or mature

“C’mon, the wind and the sun’ll take care of it fast.” He lay on the meadow grass, a gun within reach if he should need it. Experiencing it and realizing it was temporary had helped a little.

#Fallout 76 rating teen or mature skin

No thanks.” The fact that the sun could cause radiation to make one’s skin turn red and slough off had terrified Willow when he’d first heard of it. “We don’t have any towels,” Willow pointed out. They swam some more, and then Beckett said they’d need to dry off before they could get dressed. “It’s a draw, I think,” Beckett said, laughing. He kicked off and swam for Beckett.īeckett splashed him and swam, and then it was a contest about who could splash who, or duck the other one, or otherwise be supreme.

fallout 76 rating teen or mature

It was squishy, and he didn’t like that, but couldn’t do much about it, either. He ducked himself under and scrubbed briefly to get the feel of sweat off himself, then he looked for Beckett.īeckett really could swim he was nearly to the other side of the pond. The water was cool but not chilly, and felt good after hiking around the hills and forests all day. He could swear he’d seen some old swimsuits now and then, too, in the ruins. What if someone showed up? Against all odds? If he’d had some notice, he would’ve brought some other shorts to change into. Beckett didn’t bother with shorts, but Willow felt weird about swimming naked. So Willow shucked off the Pipboy and most of his clothes and waded in. If they kept their weapons close by on the shore, they shouldn’t run into any problems with animals, either. “C’mon, strip down and let’s go for a swim.” All of them waiting to chomp on any unwary human who dared enter their realm.īeckett laughed he was shirtless by now. There’s probably fish in there.” Or worse. “Yeah, just… that was in a pool.” And the water was clean. “Who said anything about drinking it?” Beckett was already undoing his boots. We still wanna filter it before we drink it.” “It’s clean, or as clean as any water is around here.”

fallout 76 rating teen or mature

Beckett had Willow test the water for rads, using the Pipboy. They came across a creek that fell down the rocky hillside to a little pond. But warm was better than too cold, in Willow’s book. Willow’s arm inside the Pipboy was damp with sweat, and therefore gross, and he couldn’t wait to take it off for a while. Beckett had come with him today for the fun of it, exploring, foraging, just wandering the countryside. Warm meant sweat if they didn’t watch it. “It sure is.” Sunny, a little breeze, maybe a little warm, for Willow’s tastes.

Fallout 76 rating teen or mature